
Benvenuta Gizem Kadioglu

Istituto di marketing e comunicazione aziendale


We welcome Gizem Kadioglu to our group! She will join Prof. Gibbert's team working on an SNF project on how qualitative organizational theorizing can include different conceptualizations of time. Here is how Gizem introduces herself: 

Hello! I am a human who is concerned about the fate of Earth and try to do something more, something better for the well-being, and a Food Economist/Food Engineer who enjoys doing experiments in the kitchen (formerly in the lab) with a special interest in coffee and chocolate (who would not be!). I am trying to revive my passion for analogue photography. Apart from taking photographs in a digital way, which gives one a chance to take continuous attempts ignoring the attention of that scene, in analogue photography one should focus, analyze, see through that moment to take the best shot of that scene with the limited takes. Although it has faded into oblivion, the challenge of trying to capture the flowing time fascinates me. In line with my hobby, my research is about how time can be treated in longitudinal qualitative theorizing. I am also interested in theory building in qualitative studies, climate change, food consumption decisions, and sustainable food chains.