
IMCA Research Seminar - Russell Belk giving a talk on The Metaverse - Web3, crypto, nifties, and new forms of ownership

Istituto di marketing e comunicazione aziendale

Data: 17 novembre 2022 / 12:30 - 14:00

Aula 253

Russell Belk giving a talk on The Metaverse - Web3, crypto, nifties, and new forms of ownership

We are honored to welcome to our next IMCA research seminar distinguished Professor Russell Belk from Schulich School of Business. Russel does research on the meanings of possessions, collecting, gift-giving, sharing, and materialism. This work is often cultural, visual, qualitative, and interpretive. He says of his work: “By understanding what our possessions mean to us after we acquire them, how different cultures, past and present, regard consumption, and how we relate to each other through possessions, it is my belief that we learn something more profound and practical than simply asking how we evaluate alternative marketplace offerings. In a consumer society, our ideas about ourselves are often bound up or represented in what we desire, what we own, and how we use these things.”